Membership and Payment
3’N Motion Dance Studio is open year-round and runs from August to June. Commitment is expected through the end of the
year. We will also run summer class opportunities, such as intensives, master classes,
summer camps and other classes which will run from June through July. To ensure your continue participation in our fall classes, we automatically renew your membership each May.
Membership & Payment Details
To reserve a space in any class, payment information must be provided in advance.
A non-refundable membership fee of $45.00 per dancer or $65.00 per family is due at the time of enrollment. The non-refundable membership fee is assessed annually (annual season runs from August through June).
ROLL-OVER POLICY: To ensure your continue participation in our fall classes, we automatically renew your membership each May. This renewal policy includes the automatic collection of the membership fee.
OPT-OUT OPTION: If you prefer not to renew your membership automatically, you can choose to opt-out. To do so, please send us a written message no later than April 1st of each year. Option out will stop the automatic renewal process and prevent the membership fee from being collected in May.
By maintaining your membership, you'll secure your spot in our fall classes and avoid any disruptions in your dance journey with us.
New Families are required to purchase the studio leotard for their dancer that is appropriate for their class level (see dress code policy). These are available to order through the parent portal, although we do have an in-studio store with limited sizes and quantities available for purchase.
Tuition payments are due on the first of each month and are payable through auto draft only. We do not accept cash or check as a primary form of payment for tuition.
Tuition is non-refundable.
3NM doesn't not prorate tuition.
A valid credit card must be always kept on file.
There is a 2.5% convenience fee charged for all credit card transactions. This is charged by the credit card processing company and not something that 3’N Motion can waive.
If your card on file is declined, an alternate payment must be made within 72 hours.
If the payment does not go through, a $35 NSF Fee will be added to the account.
A $25 Late Fee will be charged for any payments not made in full by the 5th of the month; this includes declined charges for cards on file for any reason.
Tuition is set in monthly installments of the following (classes per week = cost per month) Please note that tuition is subject to change:
1 = $90.00
2 = $125.00
3 = $165.00
4 = $190.00
5 = $200.00
6 = $245.00
7 = $255.00
11 = $305.00
Class Etiquette & Rules
Please do your best to attend the class you are enrolled in each week. Curriculum in each class
is a building process so consistent attendance is CRITICAL to students; success. Students are
expected to be punctual so that we may utilize all our time efficiently.
Student Expectations:
All students are expected to come to class on time and prepared to work.
Students should be attentive and obey group directives given by their instructor.(Instructors will kindly guide them in learning this skill).
Students should be kind and polite to their classmates and teachers. Being courteous and respectful sets the tone for learning.
Students are expected to remain in class for the duration of time and must receive permission from their instructor to leave for safety reasons. Permission will be granted at the discretion of their instructor with consideration made for younger dancers.
Food and drink are not allowed in the class nor is chewing gum.
ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES (INCLUDING WATCHES) IN CLASS. Students should silence cell phones and leave them in their locker or student area at your own risk. 3’N Motion Dance Studio is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
Students are expected to keep their belongings neat and tidy and clean up after themselves while at the studio. This includes disposing of wrappers/papers and keeping their belongings/shoes in the cubbies or lockers provided. Staff will help assist our younger dancers, but parent support is appreciated to set this expectation of behavior.
3’N Motion Dance Studio is not responsible for any personal belongings left in the campus. “Lost and Found” articles will be disposed of or donated after 30 days.
1. Expectations of Conduct: All students are required to adhere to established behavior expectations while on studio property. These expectations are set to ensure a safe, respectful, and conducive learning environment.
2. Consequences for Non-Adherence: Students who fail to meet these expectations, or engage in behavior deemed unsafe or disruptive, will be subject to dismissal from class and/or the studio premises.
3. Parental Notification and Responsibility: In the event of dismissal, studio staff will immediately contact the student's parent or guardian. The parent/guardian is responsible for arranging prompt pick-up of the student.
4. Discussion of Dismissal: Parents or guardians wishing to discuss the circumstances leading to their child's dismissal must schedule a private meeting with the studio staff.
5. Scheduling Meetings: Meetings regarding dismissal can be scheduled between 8 am and 2 pm, Tuesday through Thursday, and are subject to staff availability.
This policy is enforced to maintain the integrity and safety of the learning environment for all students.
Parent Expectation
Parents are expected to be courteous while waiting and keep a low volume in the lobby as the noise is distracting to our dancers!
Parents may leave the campus while their child is in class.
Supervised siblings are welcome to wait in the lobby. We appreciate you helping to keep the waiting area neat and tidy.
Students should not be dropped off at the campus earlier than 5 minutes before class time and must be picked up promptly afterwards. The studio reserves the right to charge a $20 for every ten minutes you are late picking up your dancer.
3’N Motion is not a daycare. If your child has more than an hour between classes, you will be required to pick up your student and bring them back for their next class. Alternatively, you can opt to pay a $20 supervision fee for them to stay instead of picking them up.
If late for class, please have your dancer wait until the end of music to enter the dance classrooms.
Supervision services are considered an optional convenience that can be revoked at any time by either the parent or the studio. If it is decided that the student is not a candidate for this courtesy, parents will be required to pick up their student immediately after classes for which there is an extended break. Failure to do so will result in a $20 charge for every ten minutes the parent is late picking up their child.
Observation is closed to parents on a regular basis, but observation days will be offered at times throughout the year. Please note that we do not offer observation windows or one-way mirrors in our classrooms.
Posting video clips of classes or choreography on social media is prohibited. Please respect our intellectual and artistic property, as well as the safety of other dancers.
Instructors are happy to speak with parents about concerns or give feedback but respectfully ask that you arrange to conference with them in the daytime hours, not during or after class time.
Dress Code
All Classes:
Our dress code is carefully crafted to ensure unity, discipline, and respect in the classroom. By following the dress code, instructors can see students’ silhouettes and make the utmost technical corrections. Similarly, abiding by the dress codes sets an attitude of respect, attentiveness, and courtesy for students, instructors, and the classroom. Uniforms create a sense of unity and remove distractions caused by different attire. Colorful and distracting dance attire can take the focus away from the instructor. Choreographing is also easier when dancers are similarly dressed. Lastly, our dress code ensures your dancer’s safety to avoid injuries (e.g., no dangling jewelry or chewing gum). If dancers are out of dress code, they will be asked to sit out of class.
Please do not wear street shoes on the studio floor; this ensures the safety of your dancer’s feet from outside debris.
No necklaces, rings, bracelets, or watches are allowed. Dancers can only wear stud earrings with nothing else on their necks, wrists, or fingers.
Underwear should not be worn with leotards and tights as tights serve the same purpose and are more comfortable for dancing.
Hands-On Correction
Hands-on corrections may be used by instructors to teach proper technique. These corrections are never invasive, punitive, or intimate in nature. Parents can opt-out of this form of instruction by notifying the studio director.
Class Placement
Students are initially placed in classes based on their age level and consideration of any experience. All faculty will then recommend placement for your dancer based on their trained evaluation. Faculty can recommend a change in placement if a student is not being challenged. Faculty does not have permission to discuss placement with parents. Only the artistic director will discuss any placement changes with parents. Students may be required to audition for placement in the future.
Observing Class
Observation week will be announced in advance via email, social media, newsletters, and the website. Parents who are observing either in the lobby or during designated observation weeks are asked to do so quietly and without distraction. Walking in and out of the studio, talking to
each other, talking to your dancer, or calling on the phone is distracting. Siblings will not be permitted during observation week(s).
Missed Classes & Withdrawal Policy
We will not adjust or prorate tuition for missed classes. 3'NMOTION DOES NOT OFFER MAKE-UP CLASSES. Dancers are not eligible for make-up
classes due to holidays, inclement weather, Illness or competitions . Your tuition pays for your classroom spot.
NO REFUND will be given for MISSED CLASSES or early withdrawal.
The studio will be closed for National Holidays and follows Saint John County School District
calendar. We are open on teacher planning days.
No refunds or deductions are provided for missed classes (e.g., holidays).
Withdrawals/Termination From the Studio:
We are a year-round studio program, that runs from August-May: All dancers are expected to complete their year long contract. An early termination fee equivalent to at least two-months tuition up to 6 month will be charged to early drop-outs. All payments are non-refundable
Auto Renewal Policy:
As part of our commitment to providing a seamless and continuous dance education experience, our studio has implemented the following Auto-Renewal Policy:
Automatic Renewal of MembershIp: Enrollment contracts for our dance classes will automatically renew for each subsequent dance year that a family enrolls their dancer(s) in classes in May . This auto-renewal ensures uninterrupted participation and access to our dance programs.
Written Notice for Non-Renewal/OPT-OUT: If you decide not to return for the upcoming dance year, it is mandatory to inform us in writing by April1st. The intent to discontinue must be provided in a written format to the studio administration during our membership renewal period (April 1st-15th. Failure to provide this written notice will result in the automatic renewal of the registration contract.
Re-Enrollment After a Break: In cases where a dancer does not enroll in classes for a consecutive dance year (i.e., there is a break or a gap year), re-enrollment will require the signing of a new membership contract. This policy applies to ensure that all returning dancers and their families are up-to-date with any changes in studio policies, procedures, and class structures.
Acceptance of Studio Policies through Participation: Enrollment and attendance in classes are considered as an acknowledgment and acceptance of all current studio policies and procedures. By participating in our classes, dancers and their families agree to adhere to the terms and conditions set forth by our studio.
We encourage our dance families to review these policies regularly and reach out to our administration with any questions or clarifications. Our goal is to provide a transparent and supportive environment for all our dancers and their families. Copies of all studio policies are available on our studio website and as part of the waivers and policies module in your parent portal.
Dropping or Changing Classes
Notification Deadline: To drop or change a class, parents/guardians must notify the dance studio by the 20th of the month preceding the desired change. For example, if a student wishes to drop or change a class for the month of March, the studio must be notified by February 20th.
Dropping a Class and Returning: If a student drops a class and later decides to return to the same class within the same dance season, an additional registration fee will be charged. This fee is intended to cover administrative costs associated with re-enrollment and class management.
Registered Classes Only: Students are only allowed to attend the classes for which they are officially registered. This policy ensures accurate class rosters, proper student-to-teacher ratios, and a safe learning environment for all participants. For example, if your child is registered for a Monday Primary Level 1 Ballet class, they will not be permitted to attend the Saturday Primary Level 1 Ballet class (unless you are registered for both classes).
February Deadline for Class Changes: Due to recital preparations, no class changes will bepermitted after the end of February. This restriction helps maintain consistency and ensures that students and instructors have sufficient time to prepare for the upcoming recital or performance. It is important for students or their parents/guardians to adhere to these policies to facilitate smooth operations within the dance studio and to provide a fair and organized experience for all participants.
Recital Information
Around March tuition you will notice, and additional recital fee billed along with your monthly tuition.
The recital fee is $125 for one dancer and $50 per sibling and includes a recital t-shirt for each dancer and a single digital download of the recital.
The recital fee also covers various expenses related to the recital production.
All fees associated with recital costumes and the recital itself are non-refundable.
Mandatory Rehearsals: Attendance at all scheduled rehearsals is mandatory for all participating dancers. Rehearsals are crucial for ensuring a successful and well-coordinated recital performance. It is important for dancers to commit to attending all rehearsals as outlined by the dance studio.
Account Status Requirement: To participate in the recital, a dancer's account must be current, meaning all outstanding balances for tuition, costumes, team balances (if applicable) and recital fees must be paid in full. This requirement helps maintain the financial stability of the dance studio and ensures a fair and equitable experience for all participants.
Non-Refundable Payments: Although you enroll for a full season, we understand that circumstances may arise where you need to drop/withdraw from a class. If you choose to discontinue services and no longer wish to be enrolled with 3’N Motion Dance Studio payments made toward tuition, costumes, or recital fees are non-refundable, regardless of a dancer's participation in the recital.
By adhering to these policies, dancers, parents/guardians, and the dance studio can work together to create a successful and enjoyable recital experience for everyone involved.
Hands-On Correction
Hands-on corrections may be used by instructors to teach proper technique. These corrections are never invasive, punitive, or intimate in nature. Parents can opt-out of this form of instruction by notifying the studio director.​
Class Placement
Students are initially placed in classes based on their age level and consideration of any experience. All faculty will then recommend placement for your dancer based on their trained evaluation. Faculty can recommend a change in placement if a student is not being challenged. Faculty does not have permission to discuss placement with parents. Only the artistic director will discuss any placement changes with parents. Students may be required to audition for placement in the future.
Observing Class
Observation week will be announced in advance via email, social media, newsletters, and the website. Parents who are observing either in the lobby or during designated observation weeks are asked to do so quietly and without distraction. Walking in and out of the studio, talking to
each other, talking to your dancer, or calling on the phone is distracting. Siblings will not be permitted during observation week(s).

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